Mar 27, 2013

Maethelvin - As We Were

Maethelvin est un nom qui circule déjà beaucoup. On le connait aussi comme membre du collectif Valérie. On profite du retour du Nantais ave As We Were pour se replonger dans son univers fait de paillette et de cocktails au bord de la piscine.

 La piste est planante, un brin rêveur.  Les synthés sont omniprésents et apportent ce côté 80’s si caractéristique du français. On se tait et on vous laisse savourer !

Maethelvin is a name which already circulating a lot. We also know him as a member of the collective Valerie. We take advantage of the return of French with As We Were for plunge into his world makes with glitters and cocktails near the swimming pool.

This track is trippy, a bit dreamy. Synths are omnipresent and bring that 80’s side so characteristic of French. We let you enjoy !