"Tonight’s The Kind Of Night": Voici le nom du dernier single, extrait de l’album “Last Night On Earth" de Noah And The Whale. Passons sur ce drôle de nom… Cela viendrait du film "The Squid And The Whale" de Noah Baumbach
Apres une très bon "L.I.F.E.G.O.E.S.O.N." au refrain entêtant, la bande sort un titre plus linéaire. Moins surprenant que ce qu’on avait pu entendre auparavant, "Tonight’s The kind of night" reste optimiste et la dynamique n’est jamais brisée du début jusqu’à la fin. Une invitation à écouter ou réécouter le 3ème album des londoniens. Un album qui n’offre malheureusement pas autant de fraicheur que le dernier opus.
Un clip classique mais qui colle parfaitement à la chanson.
"Tonight's The Kind Of Night": This is the name of the last single, taken from the album "Last Night On Earth" by Noah And The Whale. Yes, what a strange name... It might come from the film "The Squid and the Whale" by Noah Baumbach.
After a very good "L.I.F.E.G.O.E.S.O.N." with a catchy chorus, the band takes a more linear way. Less surprising than what we could have heard before, "Tonight's The Kind Of Night" remains optimistic and dynamics is never broken from beginning to end. It’s an invitation to listen to or to listen again to the third album of the Londoners. By the way, this album unfortunately does not offer as freshness as the last one.
A classic music video but it fits perfectly the song.